How Important Is Pre-Med Research Experience?

By: Kaplan Test Prep The reality is that pre-med research isn’t for everyone, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a component of a successful application. Of course, in many cases, bolstering a medical school application with a publication or two can be helpful, but that doesn’t mean you should sign up to do bench research if…

Where to Find Pre-Med Career Guidance

By: Serrina Nasrollahi Knowing where to turn as a pre-med to find practical advice is an important part of planning for medical school. What does it mean to be a pre-med? I recall asking myself this when I was a freshman in college. I had just decided on pursuing the pre-med route to medical school…

What Goes into a Medical School Application?

By: Emily Hause Prepare for the AMCAS by knowing what to expect. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. No, not the December holidays—it’s medical school application season! Piecing together your medical school application The AMCAS application is open for submission, and with it, thousands of aspiring medical school students will be on their way to making their dreams…

Shadowing a Trauma Surgeon: One Student’s Experience

By: Jennifer Tran-Kiem Shadowing a trauma surgeon can teach you more about emergency medicine than any textbook. A few years ago, my fascination with medicine started with emergency medicine. Now as an EMT, I’ve transported patients to the emergency room and have seen the kinds of emergency room patients that the emergency medicine physician handles. I’ve…