Health Care Access

Time to Abolish the Surprise Medical Bill Loophole

Op-ed written by AMSA President, Dr. Isaiah Cochran, and published in the Morning Consult, January 24, 2020. After years of trying to rein in excess profits in health care, the United States is finally on the cusp of providing nationwide relief to people struggling with high-cost surprise medical bills. Patients can get stuck with outrageous...

Arizona needs bold action, not just promises to make medicines affordable

Op-ed by Jon D. Sussman is a Scottsdale resident, a second year medical student, and a chapter president of the American Medical Student Association, published in the Scottsdale Independent (12/5/2019) Prescription drug costs are unbelievably unaffordable for millions of Americans, including me, a medical student with a long term history of asthma and food allergies...

AMSA National President Joins Call for Lower Drug Prices Now!

AMSA’s 2019—2020 National President Dr. Isaiah Cochran, along with Lower Drug Prices Now coalition Director Margarida Jorge, spoke with a Florida community radio station the high cost of prescription drugs and new efforts to address the affordability of insulin and other drugs necessary for the survival of patients. When patients can’t afford their treatment and...

On their 54th birthday, Protect & Expand Medicare and Medicaid

By: Ashi Arora, CPH Chair During my undergraduate education, I worked in a non-profit OB/GYN clinic in Detroit, where I helped provide prenatal education and transportation resources to pregnant women. A part of my job was to do in-take, where we would ask the women if they had insurance, and if not we would sign...