This World AIDS Day AMSA Chapters across the country held events at their school, rallies at their Capitols, and legislative visits with their elected officials urging them to scale up treatment to end the AIDS epidemic! This is a particularly important time since we are fighting hard to restore funding to a vital US AIDS…
By: Tara Tavakoli Why medicine? That is the question that will forever be asked of aspiring physicians, whether just beginning the pre-medical journey or finally reaching the goal that is matriculating to medical school. No one person has the same answer to this question, nor do they come to their answer by following the same path….
AMSA joins Flush the TPP and other partners this week to protest the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Washington DC and New York. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a gigantic trade agreement involving 12 countries and 40% of the world’s GDP. The agreement was recently finalized and the text has finally been made public after years of…
by Rebekah Apple, MA A recent news article, linked to AMSA’s Weekly Consult on November 11, told of a Florida college student currently on the kidney transplant waiting list. As of today, more than 5,800 Floridians are waiting for an organ transplant, and 122,000 nationwide are on the same list. Living kidney donation offers a…
by Emily Hause We all have an idea of what we believe admissions committees want in a medical school applicant. This idea of the “perfect” applicant haunts our nightmares and can often make us feel inadequate. What getting into medical school looks like Today, I’m going to try to dispel the myth of the…
By Kelsey Lyon, OMS II Saturday, October 10, 2015 is World Mental Health Day. As medical students, it is important that we address and maintain not only our physical health but also our mental health. As individuals who progress through intense and rigorous education and training, it is easy to let one’s mental health fall…