Time to Abolish the Surprise Medical Bill Loophole

January 24, 2020

Op-ed written by AMSA President, Dr. Isaiah Cochran, and published in the Morning Consult, January 24, 2020.

After years of trying to rein in excess profits in health care, the United States is finally on the cusp of providing nationwide relief to people struggling with high-cost surprise medical bills.

Patients can get stuck with outrageous bills when they get emergency care from an out-of-network hospital or when they visit an in-network hospital but are seen by an out-of-network doctor. The next thing they know, they are being hounded aggressively to pay tens of thousands of dollars, even though they are insured. Most often, they are paying far more than what they would pay for comparable treatment in network.

No one is immune to this threat. It can happen to anyone… READ MORE